On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 12:14 AM, Peter Haworth <p...@lcsql.com> wrote:

> I'm surprised by the number of problems people are reporting with the
> debugger.

Since using 'breakpoint' exclusively I've not experienced any problems with
the debugger; but then again I don't think I've ever used mouseLine or

I do miss the Trace option we used to have, and because of that I do
liberally sprinkle 'breakpoint' throughout my code. I could have 6-12
breakpoints across half a dozen handlers/functions across a 1000 lines of
code. I couldn't imagine finding and resetting all of those, just to ensure
they worked, if I used 'red dots' instead.

I must be doing something wrong, but I'll stick with 'breakpoint' because
the debugger works fine every time for me.
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