Sorry Bruce, I made a mistake. I mean sips

Kind regards,

Mark Schonewille

Share the clipboard of your computer over a local network with Clipboard Link

Op 1 sep. 2012 om 15:39 heeft Bruce Pokras <> het volgende 

> Sorry, Mark, I don't know the answer to that. I don't have Mountain Lion and, 
> in fact, cannot run ML on my "ancient" iMac from 2006. How would that work?
> On Aug 30, 2012, at 10:18 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:
>> Hi Bruce,
>> Can't you use pids anymore under mountain lion?
>> --
>> Kind regards,
>> Mark Schonewille
>> Economy-x-Talk
>> Http://
>> Share the clipboard of your computer over a local network with Clipboard 
>> Link
>> Op 31 aug. 2012 om 02:47 heeft Bruce Pokras <> het 
>> volgende geschreven:
>>> Last week I posted about a problem converting TIFF images to PDF under Mac 
>>> OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion). The old shell script that Ken Ray had posted 
>>> several years ago and which had worked from Tiger through Lion simply did 
>>> not work under Mountain Lion. That script used a shell command called 
>>> "Convert" found at /System/Library/Printers/Libraries/convert. Several list 
>>> members helpfully commented that Convert was no longer included with 
>>> Mountain Lion, but it really was just an alias for another command called 
>>> CUPSfilter. I located and selected Convert and chose "Show original" and it 
>>> took me to /usr/sbin/cupsfilter.
>>> Now the first thing that I tried was to send the same command that I had 
>>> been using with Convert directly to Cupsfilter. That's because I felt that 
>>> since Convert was merely an alias, it was simply passing the command to 
>>> Cupsfilter and Cupsfilter was running it. Wrong! I don't know why, but all 
>>> I got were errors messages in the It variable (or was it The Result). 
>>> Whatever it was, Cupsfilter did not like the command that had worked for 
>>> Convert.
>>> So I went into the Terminal to try some stuff. First, I tried "cupsfilter" 
>>> and received an example command and a list of options. One of the options 
>>> was -m for the output file MIME type. However, there was no option for an 
>>> input file MIME type. A Google search has led me to believe that Cupsfilter 
>>> could identify the input file MIME type from its file extension. So I tried:
>>> cupsfilter [input file.tif] -m application/pdf [output file.pdf]
>>> What I received was an error message that the command could have only _one_ 
>>> file name! That is very different from using Convert where both the input 
>>> file and output file are named. So, OK, I'll use just the input file name 
>>> and see what happens:
>>> cupsfilter [input file.tif] -m application/pdf
>>> I received different error message that said that cupsfilter could not 
>>> determine the MIME type of the input file. So obviously the .tif extension 
>>> was not being recognized. What to do? Back to Google!
>>> After some fruitless searching I came to a page that had more Cupsfilter 
>>> options than I had seen previously. This one had an _input_ file MIME type 
>>> option, -i (duh!). I also found that PDF was the default output of 
>>> Cupsfilter, so there was no need for the output file MIME type.
>>> So back to the Terminal:
>>> cupsfilter -i image/tiff [input file.tif]
>>> Eureka!! The Terminal window was filled with commands and then a lot of 
>>> gobblygook that started with %PDF and ended with %EOF and a message "INFO: 
>>> cgimagetopdf (PID 35219) exited with no errors." In other words, it 
>>> returned a PDF to the Terminal window!
>>> So upon returning to Livecode, I found that the data was being returned in 
>>> the variable "it" and it was simple to excise just the PDF data from the 
>>> rest and write it to disk as a binfile. I double-clicked the file and up 
>>> popped the PDF image. Whew!
>>> So in Livecode all you have to do is use:
>>> put "/usr/sbin/cupsfilter" into tConvertApp
>>> get shell(tConvertApp && "-i image/tiff " & quote & tiffFile & quote)
>>> and "it" should contain the data from which you can excise and save your 
>>> PDF file.
>>> Regards,
>>> Bruce Pokras
>>> Blazing Dawn Software
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