Well thank you all for your replies.

wasn't sure about using tokens (token 1 of word) as I wasn't sure of the 
however the alternative was to remove all pesky punctuation before running 
through my script.

I thought I would try both.

first script replaced . , ? ! ; : both within and at end of a line (but not 
within a word.)
second script only replaced the period either at the end of a word or a line.

I then went through each word of my text.

here are the times, in seconds, for passing through some 480,000 plus words.

the first figure is the replacement algorithm and the second is the word 
processing routine

Script 1
2.856504+1.876625 secs for 491081 words

Script 2
0.502831+2.173185 secs for 488871 words

So, there is a slight overhead on getting token 1 of the word but a massive 
saving on the pre-replacement routine.

So tokens it is then.


P.S in case you are wondering about the discrepancy in the word count I will be 
asking about it in my next question :-)

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