
If your closeField handler is at stack level, then it will be able to call 
other handlers at stack level or higher only. If you want to call a handler 
lower in the message hierarchy, then you need to use the send command: send 
"updMyVal" to this cd.

If this doesn't answer your question, then you might want to post the syntax 
that calls updMyVal.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Homepage: http://economy-x-talk.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/xtalkprogrammer
KvK: 50277553

Economy-x-Talk is looking for an amateur painter/cartoonist/poet etc. Contact 
me http://qery.us/du

The Economy-x-Talk office is closed from 30 August until 4 September 2012.

On 11 aug 2012, at 23:05, Dr. Hawkins wrote:

> I'm probably missing something simple here . . .
> A field does a bit on closeField, and then passes closeField.
> In the stack closeField, updMyVal is invoked.
> Rather than the card handler for updMyVal, it steps into the stack
> handler for updMyVal.
> What could be causing this?

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