
It appears that some of my new version emails have been ending up in
spam folders, so I'll make this a more general announcement.

Following up on a thread on the use-list this last week about trace
mode no longer being in the IDE's debugger, I realized that trace mode
had stopped working in PowerDebug. So it's back now in version 1.1.8.
And PowerDebug is now backward compatible at least to LiveCode version
4.5.3. Maybe further, but that hasn't been tested.

If registered users need your registration code again for any reason,
drop me a line.

There's a trace delay field that sets the number of milliseconds
between trace steps. Set it to zero for maximum speed.

There's a code coverage tool, of a sort:
  Place a breakpoint early in the code
  Set the trace delay to 0 for best results
  When the debugger starts, click Trace
    (Escape stops trace mode)
  After tracing, select the Code Coverage tab
    This will show you what lines of code have been executed.
    And maybe more importantly, what lines haven't.

url: http://www.ahsoftware.net/PowerTools/files/PowerDebug/PowerDebug.zip

docs: http://mwieder.on-rev.com/WordPress/?incsub_wiki=powerdebug-documentation

-Mark Wieder

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