On 06/26/2012 12:12 PM, Dermot Doran wrote:
I have to travel to the US in about two months time.  I will check in
to make sure you've cleared immigration.


Please do not quote this email to any US immigration official. I'm
sure there is a law against this kind of humor :-)

17 years ago the US immigration people at Chicago didn't want to let me back in, on a student visa,
because I was carrying a sealed tin of Bulgarian sheep's cheese.

The poor sods let me go when I signed a disclaimer.

But, I am sure, somewhere in the depths of O'Hare airport there is some poor officer
who is still shaking that tin and wondering what is really inside it.

Dream On, Baby: by now that cheese will have transmogrified into a tin of highly explosive and toxic cheese - a little-know secret weapon that is useless until it is about 17 years too late.

No, they are indeed a humourless lot!

On 23 June 2012 17:54, Andre Garzia <an...@andregarzia.com> wrote:
Hey Folks,

Tomorrow I will begin the long journey towards immigration insanity and the
U.S. I will arrive at Newark Airport at 11:00 AM and I've wondered if
anyone is arriving at smiliar time and heading towards the conference.



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