Nice to see some progress, but when are we going to get some help from the IDE 
on debugging for iOS? I find the "put" thing (writes to the Console) pretty 
much a blunt instrument - or have others evolved a more sophisticated debugging 
strategy? Before you suggest it, I think I've got beyond testing in desktop 
mode just to as to be able to trace the execution of my code, since most of the 
important stuff relates directly to iOS. If I did try to prolong testing within 
the LC IDE then I would have to rethink my code pretty drastically, writing 
handlers that hide/simulate anything that can only be executed in iOS. I just 
hope I don't have to rethink my code design in this way for the next app - I 
really want to see debugging info coming directly out of apps running on the 
iOS Simulator. I don't see why the next version can't be engineered to (at 
least) trap execution errors and output meaningful text about them to the 

Ah well, next time??


On Wed, 20 Jun 2012 14:52:29 +01000, Heather Nagey <> wrote:
> Dear List Folks,
> I'm delighted to announce that 5.5.1 has been released today. This  
> release marks the start of our partnership with inneractive:
> bringing you in-app advertising for iOS and Android. Now you can  
> easily embed advertising in your mobile apps, and earn extra revenue.  
> Track the performance of your ads, optimize, collect user data and more.
> We've also added a number of new features in this version. Address  
> Book access for both iOS and Android, and several additions for  
> Android, continuing our drive to bring this platform in line with iOS:
> * Media Picker
> * Save images to the user's photo album
> * Native scroller control
> * Native player control
> * Native field controls
> As usual we got the flyswatter out and squished as many bugs as  
> possible, if you were waiting for a specific fix, please check the  
> release notes:
> iOS
> Android
> Desktop
> If you already have a 5.5 license, this will be a free upgrade for you  
> on the platforms you own. If you don't already have 5.5, to upgrade  
> please visit your account:
> Warm Regards,
> Heather
> Heather Nagey
> Customer Services Manager
> LiveCode - Unleash Your Killer App

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