If you would like to test you own set up you can use the following:

I created a new stack "Untitled 1" and placed a button in it with this
(watch for line wraps)

on mouseUp
   put "ScreenRect: " & the screenRect into tRec
   put item 4 of the screenRect into tScrnHt
   put item 3 of the screenRect into tScrnWth
   put cr & "Working ScreenRect: " & the working screenRect after tRec
   put item 4 of the working screenRect - item 2 of the working screenRect
into tWrkScrnHt
   put item 3 of the working screenRect - item 1 of the working screenRect
into tWrkScrnWth
   put cr & "WindowBoundingRect: " & the windowBoundingRect after tRec
   put item 4 of the windowBoundingRect - item 2 of the windowBoundingRect
into tWndwBndgHt
   put item 3 of the windowBoundingRect - item 1 of the windowBoundingRect
into tWndwBndgWth
   put the height of stack "Untitled 1" into tStackHt
   put the width of stack "Untitled 1" into tStackWth
   --find differences
   put tScrnHt-tStackHt into tScrnHtLoss
   put tWrkScrnHt-tStackHt into tWrkScrnHtLoss
   put tWndwBndgHt-tStackHt into tWndwBndgHtLoss
   put tScrnWth-tStackWth into tScrnWthLoss
   put tWrkScrnWth-tStackWth into tWrkScrnWthLoss
   put tWndwBndgWth-tStackWth into tWndwBndgWthLoss
   put cr & "Stack Height: " & tStackHt after tRec
   put cr & tScrnHtLoss & " pixels less than screen height" after tRec
   put cr & tWrkScrnHtLoss & " pixels less than working screen height"
after tRec
   put cr & tWndwBndgHtLoss & " pixels less than window boundary height"
after tRec
   put cr & "Stack Width: " & tStackWth after tRec
   put cr & tScrnWthLoss & " pixels less than screen width" after tRec
   put cr & tWrkScrnWthLoss & " pixels less than working screen width"
after tRec
   put cr & tWndwBndgWthLoss & " pixels less than window boundary width"
after tRec
   put tRec into msg
   set the height of stack "Untitled 1" to 2000
   set the width of stack "Untitled 1" to 3000
   save stack "Untitled 1"
end mouseUp

Press the btn, it will expand the stack beyond the edges of you screen in
all directions - it does not matter that you can't see the btn. Save and
Quit LC.

Repeat until bored
  Set the Dock how you would like it.
  Open LC (set Tool Text, Tool Icons as required)
  Open "Untitled 1", Press the btn, note the numbers in the msg box.
  Save & Quit LC.
End repeat
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