On Jun 12, 2012, at 10:44 AM, Dr. Hawkins wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 8:41 AM, Tereza Snyder <ter...@califex.com> wrote:
>> The application I’m working on needs to store possibly confidential client 
>> info on the user’s hard drive. It's asking for an optional password. (The 
>> password is optional because it’s up to the user whether they want the extra 
>> protection). If they DO input a password, and subsequently forget it, how 
>> can I provide a non-internet-based mechanism for retrieving or resetting the 
>> password?
> First, be certain that you even *want* such a possibility.  How secure
> do you need?  Making it possible for the user to recover means that a
> way to recover without the password exists . . .

Good point.

I’m close to deciding that because the data in question is stored within the 
current user's account, that should be enough.  It’ll be survey results 
pertaining to disability, which is not not likely to be high-stakes data, but 
the data won’t be anonymous either. However, I expect my client to demand a 
password option, so I have to puzzle it out.


> -- 
> The Hawkins Law Firm
> Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
> (702) 508-8462
> hawkinslawf...@gmail.com
> 3025 S. Maryland Parkway
> Suite A
> Las Vegas, NV  89109
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