Hi all,

I am playing with developing a personal wiki - a la 'VoodooPad' 
(http://flyingmeat.com/voodoopad/) - in LiveCode. One of the features I always 
disliked about most wikis is the fact that the user has to enter their content 
in an 'edit mode', usually using some sort of markup language, rather than 
simply being able to do so in a wysiwyg fashion. I know that creating an 
interface to allow the user to select text in a field and apply formatting - 
bold, font size, etc. - is easy in LiveCode. But I am getting a bit stuck when 
it comes to establishing *hyperlinks*.

The problem is, that for the user to type and select some text in order to turn 
it into a link, the field must be *unlocked*. But if the field is unlocked, 
then the link does not work - that is, for the links to work, the field must be 

Is there a way to leave the field unlocked, and still have functional 
hyperlinks throughout the text? Any guidance would be very much appreciated.

Kind regards to all,

Igor Couto
Sydney, Australia

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