> I think from what I've been told (but I really am still studying it) that 
> this is just plain impossible in LC; so I need to rewrite the handlers in the 
> behaviors to be more context-aware, possibly using the techniques suggested. 
> It's not really that hard, but it doesn't have the generality I'd hoped for.

Graham, perhaps you could solve this problem by replacing all references of "of 
this card" in the behavior script to "of me"? The primary problem is that 
"this" is not relative to the card the behavior script is attached to, but is 
relative to the currently displayed card at the time "this" is encountered in 
the script. Changing to "of me" makesit relative to the card the behavior 
script is attached to, and so *should* work in your situation; so instead of:

  put field "Test" of this card into tData

you'd have:

  put field "Test" of me into tData

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Email: k...@sonsothunder.com
Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/  

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