J. Landman Gay wrote:
On 5/29/12 2:22 AM, Kay C Lan wrote:
I merely tried to use an analogy that people get set in their ways,
especially the longer they have been using something. I hope I haven't
offended any Hot Rodders, as that was not my intent either.
I'm an old hot-rodder. I kept my 17-year-old car until a few months ago
because I wasn't willing to give up my manual transmission.
Good for you: that's a lot of steel and toxic waste you've kept out of
landfills for a good many years.
That's one of my other pet peeves about Lion: the need to replace any
computer running a processor below the Core2 Duo.
For all the "green" initiatives Apple undertakes, it seems they were
well aware of the unusual processing overhead in Lion, and it won't run
on any Macs older than just a few years.
I understand that tech moves forward and they want to ensure a good
experience, but efficient use of resources could provide that same level
of software quality without requiring customers who need the new OS to
landfill their old hardware.
I split the difference: I did upgrade my hardware for Lion, but by
getting a used Mac off eBay - decent Core2 Duo, great price, and none of
that money went to Apple; just returning the favor. ;)
Richard Gaskin
Fourth World
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