On May 23, 2012, at 12:24 AM, Bill Vlahos wrote:

> Have you ever forgotten where you last left off in your scripts? Need a 
> better way to manage the code you need to write or fix, or make a quick note 
> of a future feature? 
> The lcTaskList plugin for LiveCode helps you bookmark and prioritize writing 
> software. This plug-in will help to create and manage programming tasks by 
> simply imbedding them into your script's comments. Click on any entry in the 
> Task List to immediately take you to that line of code in the Script Editor.
> The lcTaskList plugin for LiveCode is almost complete and is available as a 
> preview demo to help me get out any remaining bugs and feedback. Go to the 
> URL below to get more information, instructions, and download the plugin.
> http://www.infowallet.com/lctasklist/index.htm

Great idea. However, when I open the plugin with my rather large stack system 
in memory, everything is frozen for about 20 seconds, no mouseclick or keyboard 
response, finally the progressbar advances rapidly and then everything is 
normal. I presume the plugin is searching scripts for keywords but perhaps you 
need a "wait 0 millisecs with messages" in there somewhere so the process 
doesn't freeze everything when there are lots of scripts to search.

Looking forward to trying it out.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

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