Richmond wrote:
On 05/12/2012 04:33 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
Alejandro Tejada wrote:

Last time I checked, most Linux developers
EXPECT that most of their users are
Software Developers.

Looking for Linux for human beings?:

Ubuntu WAS, but with the advent of Unity I am no longer sure that it IS.

The situation with Unity is very much like the transition in the Mac world from what is now called "Classic" to OS X. Many people didn't like the changes; I know at least one member of this list who still prefers OS 9 to this day.

While it's true that Mark Shuttleworth wears the unofficial title of Self-Appointed Benevolent Dictator For Life (his Launchpad account is "sabdfl" <g>) for a reason, it's also true that the initiatives finding expression in Unity are often driven by usability research.

Before embarking on the design, the team at Canonical requested screen shots from the user base, and they reviewed those thousands of screen shots to find similarities, looking for commonalities they could build right into the desktop environment without requiring post-install customization.

For example, a great many people had been installing Docky, Conky, and other launcher/dock UIs. Now that's taken care of with Unity's Launcher, just as OS X introduced it for the Mac world, as had other OSes before it. Most folks spend their day using about a half-dozen apps, only occasionally using anything else, and it's no accident that that's number of icons that fit very comfortably in a launcher pane even at 768p.

Moreover, we know from research going back to Apple's earliest days, and reinforced with a lot of research at universities and private companies since, that hierarchical menus are physically difficult to use. In earlier Linux desktop UIs, accessing apps meant mousing carefully through nested hierarchical menus; now, with both Unity in Ubuntu and Gnome Shell in most other distros, the most commonly-used apps are just one click away in a launcher.

While the UI team has published results from only a handful of their user tests, Mr. Shuttleworth noted in a reply to me on a discussion list that the team does much more testing than what they can afford to take the time to publish.

I had the opportunity at UDS this week to discuss user testing with Charline Poirier, one of the design leads at Canonical, and she impressed me with a largely agnostic attitude about details in the current Unity UI that have no yet been user-tested. She indicated that more tests were to be done in the Q (12.10) cycle, and indeed it seems user testing is an ongoing passion there across the team.

In fact, early version of Unity's Launcher included a "smart hide" option which left the Launcher visible and hid only when windows were maximized. This is different from most other launcher/dock implementations which offer only "always shown" or "always hidden until mouseover", and it was an innovation Shuttleworth was initially quite proud of. But user testing showed that the hiding behavior was too much of a "sometimes" rule to be easily understood by new users, so despite his early pride with the design Shuttleworth acknowledged the test results and directed the team to remove that behavior from 12.04.

Like all desktops, Unity is far from perfect. But with Canonical's funding it has arguably more user testing behind it than any other Linux desktop environment, and the teams responsible for it are committed to ongoing refinement going forward.

As a part-time human being I am now using XFCE.

That's the beautiful distinction of Linux over all other operating systems: We have so many choices that everyone gets exactly what they want.

I used XFCE on one of my very old machines before I converted it to a faceless server, and it's quite nice for what it does.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
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