Thanks for sharing it Phil.  It seems to be working fine for me.
lcSQL Software <>

On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 10:48 AM, Phil Davis <> wrote:

> Hi Bob,
> Have at it! You and others have expressed great ideas for improvements,
> given various changes in the context and purpose for which it might be
> used. I'm just glad to share it, and it's fun to see others adapt it for
> their needs (and offer suggestions for core improvements).
> Phil
> On 4/30/12 8:41 AM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
>> Nice function. Simple and effective. What might make this a tad more
>> better is to have a list of 5 domains, in case for some reason Google ever
>> goes away or renames itself (hey it could happen!). Also, an alternate FTP
>> method might be nice upon failure of ping, as some techs block ICMP at the
>> firewall.
>> Bob
>> On Apr 28, 2012, at 12:30 PM, Phil Davis wrote:
>>  Hi Peter,
>>> I use "ping" to see if a given server is available. There are fewer bad
>>> things that can happen using this approach than trying to get a URL. The
>>> following code came from a recent project (slightly modified to protect the
>>> innocent) - watch line wraps:
>>> on mouseUp
>>>   answer "Connection status ="&&  
>>> app_connectionStatus("google.**com<>
>>> ")
>>> end mouseUp
>>> function app_connectionStatus pTargetDomain
>>>    -- attempt to ping the server
>>>    switch (the platform)
>>>        case "MacOS"
>>>            put shell("ping -c 1 -t 5"&&  pTargetDomain) into tShellOutput
>>>            put the result into tResult
>>>            break
>>>        case "Win32" -- PD 20100411
>>>            set the hideConsoleWindows to true
>>>            put shell("ping -n 1 -w 5"&&  pTargetDomain) into tShellOutput
>>>            put the result into tResult
>>>            break
>>>        default -- all other OSes
>>>            answer "This app cannot run on the"&&  the platform&&
>>>  "platform."
>>>            put param(0)&  colon&&  the platform&&  "platform not
>>> supported" into tResult
>>>            break
>>>    end switch
>>>    -- check for connection failure
>>>    if tResult<>  empty
>>>    then return false -- failed
>>>    else -- connected, but how well?
>>>        set the itemDel to comma
>>>        if the platform = "Win32"
>>>        then
>>>            get tShellOutput
>>>            filter it with "*(0% loss)*"
>>>        else -- Mac
>>>            repeat for each item tFilter in "* 0% packet loss*,* 0.0%
>>> packet loss*" -- for different OS versons
>>>                get tShellOutput
>>>                filter it with tFilter
>>>                if it<>  empty then exit repeat
>>>            end repeat
>>>        end if
>>>        return (it<>  empty)
>>>    end if
>>> end app_connectionStatus
>>> HTH
>>> Phil Davis
>>> On 4/28/12 12:12 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:
>>>> Just put together a procedure for checking for software updates from my
>>>> SQLiteAdmin program.  All works great but I'm wondering the best way to
>>>> check if there is an internet connection.  I tried this out by
>>>> disconnecting my computer from my wireless router and I got an"invalid
>>>> host
>>>> address" message from libURLErrorData as soon as I called
>>>> libURLDownloadToFile.
>>>> I can easily check for that of course but it sounds like that message
>>>> could
>>>> come back in other circumstances so wondering if there's some other way
>>>> to
>>>> check for an internet connection before attempting a download.
>>>> Pete
>>>> lcSQL Software<>
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