I could still use some advice. I know at least a couple people have liburl working with old-style cgis. I'm running rev 3.5 and liburl 1.1.6.

This script receives and logs all paypal data but hangs, causing the sandbox to think it couldn't find the server:

#!rev -ui

on startup
  if $REQUEST_METHOD = "POST" then
    start using stack "liburl"
    read from stdin until empty
    put it into tOrderData
    LOG the time && "Received:" && tOrderData
    put "cmd=_notify-validate&" before tOrderData -- required response
    put "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr"; into tPPAddr
    post tOrderData to tPPAddr
    if the result <> "" then LOG "Post result:" && the result
    put it into tResponse -- "VERIFIED" or "INVALID"
    LOG "Response:" && it
    stop using stack "liburl"
  end if
end startup

on LOG pData
  put "paypalLog.txt" into tFile
  open file tFile for append
  write pData &cr & cr to file tFile
  close file tFile
end LOG

Five minutes after this is run, an error occurs but no specifics are listed in the server log, only that there was no 500 html file (which is how I know something went wrong.) I'm assuming it's a timeout.

Very old list messages suggest a socket may be left open. I tried both of these:

  set the httpHeaders to "Connection: close"  -- before the post command


  repeat for each line s in the openSockets -- at the end of the script
        close socket s
      catch tErr
        LOG tErr
      end try
  end repeat

Both of these cause an unspecified 500 server error. Nothing is logged.

I also tried changing the https: to plain http:, but I get a 302 redirect and the script stops.

I know liburl is in use because it's logging some things, like the 302 error, and I also logged the result after putting the stack in use; it was always empty. I don't see a way to get liburl to log to a file, so I don't know where it's going wrong.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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