Using delete removes the line, but when using a scroller in iOS then readjust 
the height of the field that contains your lines and the rect theat the 
scroller should cover...:-)


       delete line lineCheck of fld 1
      /* readjust the heights that need to be scrolled */
      set the height of fld 1 to the formattedheight of fld 1
      iphoneControlSet scrollid, "contentRect", (0, 0, the width of fld 1, the 
formattedheight of fld 1)

> I have found that, for me, this line of script applied to a list field where 
> the user has selected a line:
>    delete the selectedLine
> works differently in the iOS environment compared to the IDE and desktop 
> environments. In the IDE etc, the statement deletes the line and closes the 
> gap remaining, but in iOS it doesn't close the gap but leaves a blank line! I 
> don't know if this is a bug or one of the numerous errors I find myself 
> making. I have anyway found a workaround, which is to replace the above 
> script with something like this:
>    put the selectedChunk into t1 -- this looks like e.g. 'char 5 to 25 of fld 
> 4'
>    add 1 to word 4 of t1 -- to include the return at the end of the line
>    do "delete" && t3
> Should the original script have worked?
> Graham

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