Tim Jones <tolistim@...> writes:

> It appears that OnRev uses GoDaddy services as the "secureserver.net" servers
belong to them.  Because of
> GoDaddy's "easy" online setup, spammers / scammers are able to pop in, perform
a hit-and-run with their
> mail broadcast, and the security team doesn't catch it and disable the account
into it's already a problem.
> It sounds to me like RunRev should examine alternate mail service providers
for the OnRev solution since
> secureserver.net is very deeply entrenched in the blacklists.


That's exactly the problem. Using blacklists to control spam is a brute-force
lowest-common-denominator approach. Unfortunately, everyone uses one of a
handful of blacklist servers. It's very difficult to get an IP address off the
list and very easy to get on.

The short-term solution is to configure your email client to use your local smtp
server instead of on-rev's. The long-term solution is, as you said, for runrev
to select a different domain service. Since further development work on the
on-rev hosting platform is unlikely, the long-term solution then is the same as
the short-term solution.

 Mark Wieder

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