Apple just seeded about $800,000 worth of iPads to my one state university
campus alone; most instructors privately concede that they just gave them
to their kids to play with.
The problem isn't with the hardware; it's usually the software and
curricular integration end (or largely lack thereof) where it ends up
being a monumental waste of money...
Here's another funny anecdote: the instructional designers of one of
these new wing-ding websites (and the teachers adopting its usage) thought
it would be a grand idea to expect a bunch of 10-year olds to correctly
copy a 16 digit alpha-numeric code to get into the website onto a piece of
paper and be able to read it and correctly enter it at home.
REALLY??? I have adults who can't login with a login that consists of
Oh, and another website with a bunch of drill and kills, at the end, had a
logout button, so my 10 year old son logged out. Lost all his work
because he wasn't prompted to "save" before logging out. Why would you
assume a 10 year old would know to do that and not catch his error?
Mind you, this is NOT a ghetto school O_o
FWIW, I'm considering volunteering to do an after-school club for 6th
grade next year showing them how to make goofy games in LC if I can get
the school to agree to it.
On Wed, 28 Mar 2012, Richard MacLemale wrote:
I've seen very good work done with first graders, high school kids, and autistic kids in
our district. The iPad is a fantastic tool with great potential if you know what to do
with it. My wife teaches 2nd grade and whenever she brings the iPads in, the students
love them. A good teacher can translate that enthusiasm into learning. A bad teacher
will let the kids "play" on the technology and grade papers. Too often
technology gets blamed for bad teaching.
I agree that LiveCode presents a fantastic opportunity for students and I've
never heard of a classroom actually using it. I taught 5th grade a loooong
time ago, and I had my kids programming in HyperCard. A few of those kids are
now working in computer science. That makes me feel pretty awesome. Course
they were using a Desktop Computer in my classroom, which you just bashed.
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