Hi Ken,
I played with active and passive modes, but that was not the issue. At least
regarding the URL function, the problem was that I was not putting
parentheses around my information:
put url "ftp://" & FTPUSER & ":" & FTPPASS & "@" & FTPHOST into myVar
should have been:
put url ("ftp://" & FTPUSER & ":" & FTPPASS & "@" & FTPHOST) into myVar
Also, while testing, I think my socket became locked... When playing around
with FTP, I highly recommend using the resetAll command to make sure all
sockets are clear before retesting...
Thanks for the help...
- Boo
-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Corey
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2012 5:41 PM
To: use-livecode@lists.runrev.com
Subject: Re: HELP! - Unable to acquire FTP file list...
On 01/03/2012 21:26, Keith (Gulf Breeze Ortho Lab) wrote:
Anyway, I am able to upload and download files with no problem.
Furthermore, I am also able to make directories and delete directories.
The problem I am having is the acquisition of a file list for the FTP
account. I have tried both of the following methods, but to no avail:
]libURLSetFTPListCommand "LIST"
answer it
Sounds to me like you're in active ftp mode...which is strange as
passive mode is the default.
libURLSetFTPMode "passive"
If that doesn't work, try
libURLSetFTPMode "active"
I've not played with FTP in LiveCode, but I'd bet that solves this one.
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