
The full PR is above. In a nutshell:

Valentina Studio Pro and Valentina Reports are extended to other dbs,
including Valentina DB, SQLite and Postgre. MySQL is on its way. We've found
that as a general database management tool, simply has too many great
competitive features at a competitive price not to extend it to other dbs.
VSP is available on Mac OS X, Linux and Windows.

Valentina Studio Admin is disappearing, however all of its features will be
FREE TO USE in Valentina Studio Pro. That means for every day db
administration and management for Valentina DB, SQLite, Postgre (and
forthcoming MySQL) you'll be able to get those features for free on Windows,
Mac OS X and Linux (yes, 64 bit too). The Pro features still cost - you'll
love the new diagramming features coming!

Valentina Server /5 as we know, is free in a community version; the big
Valentina Server news is that it will support journaling. All versions of
Valentina Server (free, commercial, developer via VDN) incorporate the
Valentina Reports reporting platform, allowing you to build rich web
applications (PHP and RoR supported out of the box) that build off of
Valentina DB and Reports. The full reporting engine supports charts,
graphics, barcodes, grids that can be rendered as web pages, text, images
and PDFs. VDN developers take note: Bonjour and SSL are no longer extras for
VDN but are included with all versions of Valentina Server. FREE iValentina
administration apps for iPhone and iPad are available via iTunes.

There is going to be an Upgrade Guide for Valentina 5 that will show how
we've simplified our product line.

FYI - if you've been wondering what happened to Omegabundle 2012 for
LiveCode, its coming real soon now with 13 LiveCode products - 89% savings!
Participants will get Valentina 5 updates as a matter of course.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software

Valentina SQL Server: The Ultra-fast, Royalty Free Database Server 

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