Point taken. But it should also be mentioned that Apple got rid of it's BSD 
underpinnings a few years and couple three OS versions back, and is now running 
pure Unix (or so I am led to believe). At the time, Apple was not in much of a 
position to make a real choice in the matter. Their own attempts to come up 
with their own proprietary modern OS were miserable failures, and suddenly 
Steve Jobs shows up at the door with a BSD based OS with postscript graphics in 
beta, and an offer that they couldn't refuse. 

My only real point was that multiple versioning of the OS and multiple hardware 
configurations, some compatible with some versions and some not is the tradeoff 
for the "openness" of the Android world. Some like it hot! 


On Feb 7, 2012, at 10:08 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Bob Sneidar wrote:
> > The whole issue highlights the Achilles Heel of Linux (read Open
> > Source) operating systems. NOT SAYING that OS systems are BAD,
> > just that there are tradeoffs to letting anyone do anything with
> > an OS.
> Some of us like being able to tailor our OS to our tastes and needs.
> If having the system we want means that developers need to roll up their 
> sleeves and work for a living, so be it.
> This developer finds the prospect exciting, making systems for how people 
> want to work rather than telling people how to work to fit my system.
> PS: Ever heard of BSD?  It's the open source kernel that made NeXT/OS X 
> possible.
> --
> Richard Gaskin
> Fourth World

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