On 30/01/2012 14:35, Todd Geist wrote:
Quick question.  Were you able to create an HTML server that work on iOS?

My purpose was only to read and write to a web server, and for that it works fine.

Taking a look under the covers, down at the Objective-C level I don't see a way to grab a port and do an 'accept'/'bind' on it for incoming connections, so it would seem to me that you couldn't create a web server with rreSocket as written.

Of course, that's not saying much.

Coming from a unixy background, the Networking API is completely foreign to me. I mean completely bonkers.

Gotta love Apple, who in their infinite wisdom has to bloody re-invent the wheel (that was working just fine, thank you very much), then re-invent it in an OOP way, then "simplify" that, and then complicate the hell out of that version. They're every bit as bad as Microsoft ever was.

Not that I'm bitter and twisted about the over-blown complexity of programming for iOS, or anything. Bloody OOP w***ing...

Oops, my angst is showing.


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