
> I do this a few times every year. If you want, I can help you with it. 
> Assuming it it a commercial project, I won't do it for free but I think it 
> doesn't need to cost much. 

I tried this approach already but didn't get good results.   The PHP return 
"success", but the eMail never get's sent.  Any thoughts?  Here's what I did:

on doEMail
  put field "mailTo" into mTo
  put field "mailFrom" into mFrom
  put URLEncode(field "mailSubject") into mSub
  put URLEncode(field "mailMessage") into mMess
  put ""; & mFrom & "&subject=" & mSub & 
"&message=" & mMess & "&toAdd=" & mTo into completeUrl
  get url completeUrl
  if it <> "success" then
  end if
end doEMail

--the php script on the server looks like this:
        $email = $_GET['from'];
        $subject = $_GET['subject'];
        $message = $_GET['message'];
        $toAddress = $_GET['toAdd'];
        mail($toAddress,$subject,$message,"From: $email" );
        echo "success";

> Hi Dan,
> Obviously, you don't want to use Gmail. You'd be marked as a spammer and 
> you'd be out of business soon.
> Tell your customer to get a decent web server and his own domain. Use some 
> PHP scripts to which LiveCode can connect. Put the e-mail on the server, so 
> you won't need to send it each time you send a customised e-mail. Send that 
> e-mail address, recipient name and other data to the server, have the PHP 
> script glue the data and message together and use PHP's sendmail() function 
> to send the e-mail.
> I do this a few times every year. If you want, I can help you with it. 
> Assuming it it a commercial project, I won't do it for free but I think it 
> doesn't need to cost much.
> --
> Best regards,
> Mark Schonewille
> Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
> Homepage:
> Twitter:
> KvK: 50277553
> Become our partner in sales Start selling Color Converter 
> today. 20% commission!
> On 5 jan 2012, at 15:51, Dan Friedman wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I have a client that wants to send hundreds of eMails - each one unique, 
>> customized to the recipient.  Formatting the eMail is easy... but how do you 
>> send an eMail from within LC?  revMail brings up their eMail client which is 
>> not what we want because (a) they would have to click "Send" a zillion 
>> times, and (b) they are using gMail (a browser based mail client).
>> Any thoughts?
>> Thank you in advance,
>> -Dan

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