Aha. So we are now only testing 'exist', and not the word number? Since I've
already written this, I'll post it anyway...

The problem (as always when this topic is raised) is the definition of a
'word', as indicated by the additional inclusion of 'token' in the language,
and thus the definition of 'punctuation'. I believe LC inherited the
definition of a 'word' from HyperCard for compatibility.

Is $10 one word or two?
Is my_Var one word or two?
Is half-baked one word or two?
Do the same rules apply across non-English languages? And unicode langauges?

Perhaps there is no single definition and some modifiers are needed such as

on mouseUp
  put findWord(fld 1,"men","strict")
end mouseUp

function findWord pContent,pStr,pRule
  if pRule="strict" then
    put COMMA&QUOTE&TAB&CR&":;'." into tPunctuation
    --| Adjust according to requirements...
    put COMMA&QUOTE&TAB&CR&":;'.^&*()_-+={}[]@~#<>/|\!?" into tPunctuation
  end if
  repeat for each char L in tPunctuation
    replace L with SPACE in pContent
  end repeat
  if pStr is among the words of pContent then
    return num of words of char 1 to offset(pStr,pContent) of pContent
  else return 0
end findWord

Hugh Senior

Jim Hurley wrote:

Strike most of my last message. It appears that most of the function can be
replaced with an examination of the entire text (dah)  as in:

    put tWord is among the tokens of tList into tTest
    return tTest

This tests the whole text; it is not necessary to test each string
containing  the word individually.

But remove the quotes and periods first.


> Thanks to all for their help with this. I learned a new key word in
> So far the function below handles everything reasonable I have thrown at
it, including finding "time" in the less than reasonable  text in field 1:
>   "Now is timely the timeless time.-for, all good."
> on mouseUp
>   put field 1 into tText
>   put theWordIsAmongTheWords("time", tText) into msg box --returns true
> end mouseUp
> function theWordIsAmongTheWords tWord, tList
>   --The quote and period are irrelevant to the test for the word, so
delete them.
>   replace quote with "" in tList
>   replace "." with "" in tList
>   put empty into tNums
>   --Collect all the strings that wordOffset would find.
>   repeat
>      put wordOffset(tWord,tList, last item of tNums) into tNum
>      if tNum = 0 then exit repeat
>      put the last item of tNums + tNum & comma after tNums
>   end repeat
>   --Test each of these strings aginst the word being tested.
>   --With the quotes and periods gone, the tokens of sting found work well.
>   repeat for each item tWordNum in tNums
>      put word tWordNum of tList into tTestWord
>      if tWord is among the tokens of tTestWord then return true
>   end repeat
>   --If all the tests fail, then return false
>   return false
> end theWordIsAmongTheWords

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