Thanks Mark,

I ran into problems with an app submitted to the Apple store which had images 
in a folder containing references in their name to android as I was planning on 
porting it over,  so ive tended to put the images in the stacks as they are 
then hidden and never really given the memory issue a thought!

It would be nice if livecode could make the included files conditional so I 
could create a folder for each one and then when selecting the files to 
include,  be able to set the platforms to include that file or folder for when 
the app is built.  That would help on the desktop as well.  In the meantime the 
only way seems to be to remember to remove the other platforms which isnt ideal 
for my goldfish memory,  so putting them in the stack works for me for now :)

Ive run the script and there are about 60 images @ over 10k so thats a good 
start,  now I just need to squash them all,  is that possible in Livecode as 


On 11 Dec 2011, at 12:50, Mark Schonewille wrote:

> Hi Andrew,
> put the size of img 1
> put the length of img 1
> both work. Also keep in mind that the amount of (virtual) memory used by 
> images is a multiple of the stored size. Therefore it might be a bad idea to 
> store many images inside a stack and references image objects might be a 
> better way.
> --
> Best regards,
> Mark Schonewille
> Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
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> KvK: 50277553
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> today. 20% commission!
> On 11 dec 2011, at 13:44, Andrew Henshaw wrote:
>> Is it possible to extract a list of how much space images stored in a stack 
>> are using?
>> Im looking at some of my application sizes and figure they must be carrying 
>> a lot of large images,  but forgotten which I optimised and which were just 
>> copy and pasted in!  There are quite a few images,  so I was just wondering 
>> if there was a way to find out which images were taking up the most space in 
>> the app so I could work on those first.
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