On 11/19/11 8:05 PM, Tereza Snyder wrote:
Yeah, I thought for sure there’s be some kind of cache-disabling call
but I haven’t discovered it. Since I’m building the pages with LC,
previewing them in RevBrowser was a no-brainer--but not worth the
agony of seeing a bug persist through one dreary iteration after
another until finally the coin drops and you realize you fixed it on
the first try, but you’ve just been looking at the same buggy over
and over.

I hate that. The same thing happens on mobile builds, so heads up to anyone who's doing that. I wasted a whole evening early on, reloading multiple iOS standalones over and over trying to fix a bug. The iPad would go through the whole installation routine and run its little progress bar exactly like it was replacing the original, but it didn't actually DO anything. I finally realized that if you don't change the version number you get the whole cosmetic "installing" business but the file on disk is never replaced.

Android is almost the same, only it gives you a dialog warning that the new app will replace the old one. If you don't see the dialog then at least you know nothing is going to change. It will still happily act as if it's installing something anyway though.

It's probably a test to see how smart we are.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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