As things stand now, you can't delete the list by just editing the contents of 
a field. You have to use 'put empty into fld x'.  

If you have access to the the RunRev Quality Control Center, you can see a 
discussion of this issue under bug # 9342.


On Nov 15, 2011, at 10:34 AM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

> My guess is that it is html text, and the format is a numbered list. 
> Bob
> On Nov 14, 2011, at 7:41 PM, AcidJazz wrote:
>> If I paste an auto-numbered text from Microsoft Word (albeit on a Mac) into a
>> field, I can't seem to delete the very first number no matter what I do.   I
>> can delete the text, and all the numbers but the very first one.   I'm in
>> the "contents" box of the properties window.  I can't select it, and there's
>> no way to turn it off that I know of, because I don't think Livecode even
>> has autonumbering.   Short of deleting the field and starting over (which is
>> what I've had to do), is there a way to fix this?   Is it a bug?
>>  1.   first line
>>  2.   second line
>>  3.   third line
>> Delete all
>>  1. 

Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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