I think the "so called Pro version" is a at a great price  I am happy to
support Scott's work.  I have everyone of his tools and was happy to
purchase the pre-release and the final release of tm-control.

I see tools such as this and a vibrant, profitable 3rd party tool ecosystem
in general as essential to the success of LiveCode.


On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 7:24 AM, bar...@libero.it <bar...@libero.it> wrote:

> Hi Pierre
> Agreed, a nice tool professionally produced but at what "cool" price? If
> you decide to eventually buy all the tools on the "budget" version it will
> make you spend 91 dollars more than the so called Pro version!

Todd Geist
geist interactive
(805) 419-9382
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