Oh, as far as mod-action goes, there are 2 folders. One that shows all
available mods and one that has active modes. The active mods are just
symbolic links to the available.

To do it manually use the ln command (L N lower case)

And again, i'm not at keyboard at the moment, but I believe:
ln -s /path/to/file/to/link /path/to/location/to/create/link

So for example ln -s /var/logs ~/logs would create a symbolic link (-s =
symbolic of course) from /var/logs and put it in my home directory and name
the link logs. Pretty much the same thing as a shortcut on windows.

After you figure out which module you want to activate and create the link
you need to restart apache using apachectl or you can use the system
startup files to do so. Look for a folder named rc.d (might be rc.init) in
/etc..  If you get to the right location there will be files that start
with either K or S, one of which should be for apache (might say apache, or
might say httpd)  If you find that file you can execute it with the
argument stop to stop it, start to start it, and I think restart will be
accepted too. (a kill -HUP might work too but not sure in this case)

Either way, this gives you some things to look at while I go poke around.

On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 12:26 PM, Mike Bonner <bonnm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have it running here but its been a bit since I did it. I'll go back
> over files and stuff and see if I can dredge up some memories and help of
> someone else doesn't chime in first.
> On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 12:20 PM, Malte Brill <revolut...@derbrill.de>wrote:
>> Hi all,Ag
>> I successfully installed liveCode on Mac Os and Windows. But on Ubuntu,
>> for the life of me I can not get it up. I assume it has to do with the
>> mod_action not being enabled by default here. However, for the life of me I
>> can not find out how to do so. The installation is rather complicated on
>> UBUNTU it seems. Has anyone succeeded here (Clean fresh out of the WEB
>> UBUNTU) and could give me a step by step guide on what I need to do (but
>> please speak slowly, as I have no idea of linuxes and apache there).
>> Totally lost. Any help much appreciated.
>> Malte
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