I forgot to say - this code goes into the 'area code' field. 'fld 2' is the
phone number field. And it doesn't deal with pasting values. And... and...
On 10/27/11 1:19 PM, Phil Davis wrote:
on keyDown pKey
if pKey is an integer
then pass keyDown
else beep
end keyDown
on keyUp pKey
if length(text of me) = 3
then select text of fld 2
pass keyUp
end keyUp
On 10/27/11 1:08 PM, william humphrey wrote:
And now for something very easy.
I have two fields (area code and telephone number). I'd like for the first
field (area code) to allow three numbers to be entered and then if a fourth
number is entered automatically go to the telephone number field and
continue adding the rest of the number there.
I managed to limit the field to three numbers and go to the next field but
the fourth number always gets lost and has to be entered again.
Can someone suggest some code for this? THanks....
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Phil Davis
PDS Labs
Professional Software Development
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