On 09/30/2011 08:18 PM, Ronald Zellner wrote:
 I am using scrollbars (sliders) to obtain ratings on a series of topics.
 Obviously, I need to have the default position of the slider at zero or at 
some mid point.  Is there an alternative to that?

 Also, a problem with sliders is you can't tell when people are simply 
satisfied with the default position for an item and when they forgot to answer 
that item.

 Anyone know of a visible attribute change that would indicate that the person 
at least touched the slider? (e.g.  on mouseUp)

"I touched it" Latrine in "Robin Hood, Men in Tights"

 I know I can check for untouched sliders by using a variable and then prompt 
them to rate those  items or change a graphic, etc. , but was wondering if 
there is a visual attribute that can be changed.

Better go for a mouseDown rather than a mouseUp, as the punter (whoops,
might slide their pointer off the control when they change their mind.

I just mocked up a stack containing a slider and a fld "fTOUCH" and put
this into
the script of the slider:

on mouseDown
   "put "Touched Me!" into fld "fTOUCH"
end mouseDown

rocket-science it ain't . . .  :)


of course, if you want to find out nuanced levels of interest you could do this:

on mouseOver
  put "Vaguely Interested" into fld "fTOUCH"
end mouseOver

on mouseDown
  put "Slightly More Interested" into fld "fTOUCH"
end mouseDown

on mouseUp
  put "Definite Interest" into fld "fTOUCH"
end mouseUp

--Remind me not to get too porno--

on scrollBarDrag
  put "Stroking My Thighs" into fld "fTOUCH"
end scrollBarDrag

 Anyone played with this before?

Played with what? Now I'm beginning to get worried.

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