Awesome! Thanks so much for sharing, Peter!
- Boo
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter M. Brigham, MD" <>
To: "How to use LiveCode" <>
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 5:19 PM
Subject: TextLib.rev
I collected some of my utilities into a library that I want to make
available to anyone who could use such a thing. They are mostly text
processing routines, since my LC work mostly involves heavy text crunching
and parsing. Here is a list of handlers:
commandKeyDown -- ctrl-cmd-v pastes plain text (matching formatting of
target field)
controlKeyDown -- in any field, ctrl-d inserts the date; ctrl-/ swaps
interchanged letters
mouseup -- lock and unlock fields with a mouseclick
doAge() -- returns the age given a birthdate and an optional "asOf" date
getLastLine() -- returns the line number of the last occurrence of a string
in a container
howMany() -- returns the number of occurrences of a string in a container
isAfter() -- true if the given date is after the reference date
isLower() -- true if a character is a lowercase letter, otherwise false
isUpper() -- true if a character is an uppercase letter, otherwise false
itemOffsets() -- returns all the itemoffsets of a string in a container
lastThing() -- returns the last item of a string, given an itemdelimeter
lineOffsets() -- returns all the lineoffsets of a string in a container
mergeLists() -- merge 2 lists without duplicates or empty lines/items
noDupes() -- remove duplicate lines/items from a list
offsets() -- returns all the offsets of a string in a container
popChoose() -- one-line popup choice command (requires a button, included)
q() -- returns the submitted string, in quotes
returns() -- returns a string of n cr's
rRandom() -- a more random random number generator
spaces() -- returns a string of n spaces
sq() -- returns the submitted string, in single quotes
sws() -- strip white space from start & end of a string
tabs() -- returns a string of n tabs
toTitleCase() -- returns the string in title case ("The Mutiny on the
truncate() -- truncate a string to no more than n chars, followed by "…"
wordOffsets() -- returns all the wordoffsets of a string in a container
setprop writable -- a virtual field property to lock/unlock a field
getprop writable -- a virtual field property to lock/unlock a field
Available at:
-- Peter
Peter M. Brigham
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