On Aug 28, 2011, at 7:49 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

>>> If a stack's dynamicPaths property is true, when a handler in that stack 
>>> uses the go or find command to go to a card other than the original card, 
>>> that destination card's message path is inserted into the message path as 
>>> long as the handler is on that card.
>> "I see," said the blind man, to the deaf dog. This entry might benefit from 
>> a clarifying comment.
>> Can someone explain precisely the difference between hyperCard's "dynamic 
>> path behavior" and LiveCode's message path?
> I looked this up to be sure (Jean DeVoto's got a diagram

Sorry, Jeanne... I was typing too fast and misspelled your name by accident. 


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Email: k...@sonsothunder.com
Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/  

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