While my concerns over the way Apple does business is well documented, it is 
with a sad heart I read today of Steve Jobs stepping down from Apple-- probably 
due to health issues.

There certainly is no one who will ever replace him there, or in American 
history as the best visionary marketing genius ever.

While many of his directions, both in product design and marketing, may have 
been somewhat controversial, there is no question of his value to Apple as a 
whole and the rest of us using technology products. 

Who would have thought not putting buttons on a phone was a good idea? Or that 
"yet another tablet computer" would redefine success and usability in the 
market? And especially, when Apple was down to it's last nickels, throwing 
furniture in the fire to stay warm, who could predict they would one day be the 
most successful company in the world, eclipsing Microsoft, Intel and Google? 

All of this was due to Mr. Jobs ability to create, motivate, market and spin 
like none before-- and I suspect none after.

If you own Apple stock, I would imagine now is a good time to sell. Thank-you 
Steve, it was sure a fun ride.

Chipp Walters
CEO, Shafer Walters Group, Inc
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