While it would be interesting to create a different user on my Mac, it =
wouldn=E2=80=99t solve my problem.

Fortunately there is another text to voice solution using =
speechSpeakUtterance commands. That works. I=E2=80=99m not sure why =
there are two solutions for this in LiveCode but here are links to =
describe it.




Thanks for everyone providing information regarding this.

Bill Vlahos

> On Mar 19, 2025, at 7:59=E2=80=AFAM, Bryan Anderson =
<br...@exnihilo-media.com> wrote:
> Hi Bill.
> I=E2=80=99ve been trying to figure out an issue with the speech on an =
M1 Ultra MacBook Pro. I filed a bug report =
(https://quality.livecode.com/show_bug.cgi?id=3D24658), and arrived at =
the conclusion it was an issue with my user account, since on a fresh =
account everything worked.=20
> On receiving your email I tried things again, and nothing worked on =
the old account or fresh accounts. I rebooted, and my old account still =
didn=E2=80=99t work but the fresh ones did. I=E2=80=99m at a loss. I=E2=80=
=99d be interested if a new user account on your machine works.
> Best
> Bryan
>> On Mar 18, 2025, at 11:47=E2=80=AFPM, Bill Vlahos via use-livecode =
<use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>> In LiveCode 10.0.1 (rc 3) and 9.6.13 on a Mac with an Apple processor =
(MacBook Air M2), when I put the following script  in a button, nothing =
happens when I press the button in either the IDE or standalone.
>> on mouseUp
>> revSpeak "Hello World"
>> end mouseUp
>> I am loading revLoadSpeech in the Standalone.
>> Does this work on a Mac with Apple processors? If so, what could I be =
>> Thanks
>> Bill Vlahos
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