I think the only approach now is to run the document through an OCR applica=
tion, so that the resulting text will simply be a part of the text layer. I=
t makes me wonder if there is a way to make an OCR external...

Bob S

> On Mar 21, 2025, at 8:05 AM, Bob Sneidar <bobsnei...@iotecdigital.com> wr=
> Thanks Paul, that is very helpful. You are correct of course, I cannot se=
lect the form data. Very unfortunate. I already have a request in to see if=
 XPDF can be made to do so. I seem to remember however that XPDF was done b=
y another developer and cannot be modified. I could be mistaken though. How=
 unfortunate, and short sighted though. The one thing someone would want fr=
om a form is not the form but the data it contained.=20
> Bob S
>> On Mar 21, 2025, at 6:56 AM, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode <use-livecode@=
lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>> To put XPDF in selection more, use
>> XPDFViewer_ChooseMouseMode "Document1",pMode -- "browse", "selection", "=
>> To select a range of text on (or across) page(s), use
>> XPDFViewer_Select "Document1",item 1 of tPDFPageRef,item 2 of tPDFPageRe=
f,item 3 of tPDFPageRef,item 4 of tPDFPageRef
>> See the documentation for what the 4 items are above, but it's basically=
 startPageNum, startCharPositionNum, endPageNum, endCharPositionNum
>> However, XPDF was not designed to get the values of form fields. Unless =
something was added by Monte in the intervening years since Researchware tu=
rned the XPDF external over to Livecode, I don't think there is a way to ge=
t form data.
>> In any case, Monte at livecode is the definitive expert who could answer=
 this questions for the XPDF external and the PDF Widget (if they added for=
ms capability to that newer effort).

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