On 25/02/2025 00:35, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:
Okay I verified in my actual code. This is problematic if I don’t know how much
data is actually going to be sent. I ended up with roughly 138,000 bytes before
it choked. I supposed I could start with 128k chunks then dial it down if it’s
too much. I wish I know what the limiting factors are because this has to work
over the internet.
No, please don't start down the path of "dialling down"; the point at
which it will fail is highly variable dependent on network conditions.
Your easiest and safest way (or at least, the one I find easiest) is to
use the length + data approach.
If you don't know the total amount when you are about to start sending,
then you simply package up what you *do* know as a length+data, and use
a special case check to know when everything has been sent.
For example, if you were going to send a folder-full of files, you could
do something like:
put the files into tFiles
repeat for each line L in tFiles
put L & CR & URL ("binfile:" & L) into tData
put format("%012d", the number of bytes in tData) into tLength
write tLength & tData to socket tWhateverSocketYouLike
end repeat
-- and send an indicator that we are done - file name + data cannot be
put format("%012d", 0) into tLength
write tLength to socket tWhateverSocketYouLike
and read it as
on readalltherestofthedata
read from tWhichSocketYouAreUsing for 12 with gotALength -- read
the length
end readalltherestofthedata
on gotALength pSocket, pData
if pData = 0 then
dispatch "alldone"
read from tWhichSocketYouAreUsing for pData with gotFileData
-- read the file name and data
end if
end gotALength
on gotFileData pSocket, pData
put line 1 of pData into tFileName
put line 2 to -1 of pData into tData
dispatch "processafile" with tFileName, tData
end gotFileData
(Obviously, the above has been typed into an email - beware typos, etc.)
P.S> yes, you could do ""%12d" rather than "%012d" - but if I ever
finish up debugging it, I find the leading zeros a useful reminder that
it's a fixed length integer. And I'm assuming that 12 digits is easily
big enough for any file you are going to send :-)
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