The structure looks like the following:

Sly File Agent API
   Structure of payload sent

         [profile] <selected location profile>
         [data] <encrypted binary data of file>
         [datemodified] <file system date modified>
         [extpath] <file path suffix unique to each file>
         [filecategory] <used by sql files database when data is returned>
         [fileid] <used by sql files database when data is returned>
         [filename] <name of file to be saved to disk. Also used by sql files 
database when data is returned>
         [filepath] <root path to save file to. extpath should be appended to 
         [operation] <savefile, retrievefile, movefile, deletefile>
         [saveaction] <new, newversion, overwrite unique to each file>
         [version] <new version number also used by sql files database when 
data is returned>

The problem is definitely the binary data stored in the [n] [“data”] key. If I 
immediately decrypt the data in the key on the MacOS the data is correct. But 
when I decrypt the exact same data on the Windows OS I get a bad decrypt error. 

So to be perfectly clear, I create the above array, I iterate through each key 
from 1 to n, encrypting and overwriting the information in the [“data”] key. I 
then arrayEncode the entire array, then base64encode everythign before 
transmitting it over the wire. 

I reverse the process on the receiving side. It seems to work if I send 
non-binary data in the [“data”] key but if the data is binary, it fails. I do 
not think arrayEncode / decode likes to work with binary data. 

Bob S

> On Feb 18, 2025, at 2:45 PM, Monte Goulding via use-livecode 
> <> wrote:
>> On 19 Feb 2025, at 9:39 AM, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode 
>> <> wrote:
>> but one key is the binary file data of a file that has been encrypted using 
>> LC’s built in library. 
> Are you using this as the key or element value? I think keys are always 
> treated as text. It has been quite one time since I’ve been poking the engine 
> in a meaningful way though so I might be forgetting that.
> Cheers
> Monte
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