I stand corrected, thanks.
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
On August 9, 2024 4:29:57 PM Ralph DiMola via use-livecode
<use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
Once you lose the keystore you don't have the key pair used to generate the
keystore entry. Scott is correct, you have to re-publish with all the
headaches Scott enumerated.
Sorry man...
Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services
-----Original Message-----
From: use-livecode [mailto:use-livecode-boun...@lists.runrev.com] On Behalf
Of scott--- via use-livecode
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2024 3:56 PM
To: How to use LiveCode
Cc: sc...@elementarysoftware.com
Subject: Re: Android API 34 and Android keystore
As for which SDK variant to install… I don’t know but hope you will report
back before I encounter this question :- )
As for the second question about the lost keystore… a few years ago I
encountered a similar problem (I apparently overwrote my keystore with a
different one and, by the time I needed to submit an update to GooglePlay,
I had lots of back-ups of the wrong keystore!) After reading up on things
I came to the conclusion that there was no solution and that without the
original keystore the app could no longer be updated in GooglePlay. The
only way forward I could see was to “unpublish” the existing app and create
a new app entry (with a different internal name but using the same
storefront name.) This meant that the existing users couldn’t “update”
their app without downloading the new app (searchable under the original
name.) I can’t recall how I handled the user-data that the original app
generated but I suspect that it was lost and needed to be recreated. (With
this app it would have been mildly annoying but not unbearable. I can
imagine use-cases where moving the data might be a big issue.) This was a
commercial app where the clients were known to me so it was possible to
notify them and they could get the word out to their employees.
This was a number of years ago so perhaps things have changed since then. I
hope that you find a better solution, Klaus.
Scott Morrow
Elementary Software
(Now with 20% less chalk dust!)
web https://elementarysoftware.com/
email sc...@elementarysoftware.com
booth 1-360-734-4701
On Aug 9, 2024, at 2:10 AM, Klaus major-k via use-livecode
<use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
Hi all,
two questions:
1. In my "Android Studio" there are three options for SDK Tools for API
level 34:
What should I install? 34 or all of them?
2. I need to update my Android freeware app to above mentioned API.
I had uploaded the first version to Google Play with a self signed
key, made with Android Studio, Google was content.
As far as I understood this, I need to use this key for every upload of
that app.
And Google then takes care of (final) signing etc.
However I lost that keystore file during a hd crash a couple of months ago.
What should/can I do?
Any advice much appreciated, thank you!
Klaus Major
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