
Nice... thanks!

Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services

-----Original Message-----
From: use-livecode [mailto:use-livecode-boun...@lists.runrev.com] On Behalf
Of Dan Friedman via use-livecode
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2024 11:15 AM
To: How to use LiveCode
Cc: Dan Friedman
Subject: Re: Cursor Placement in MobileControl


Thank you for the suggestion!   That worked out well!   For anyone
interested, here's the snippet for formatting a phone number as you type in
a mobile native field control:

//this assumes that the mobileControl type for Android is "multiline" and
the mobileSetKeyboardType has been set to "email"

on inputTextChanged
  put mobileControlTarget() into pField
  put mobileControlGet(pField,"text") into pText

  if pField = "phoneNumber" then
    put "" into fText
    put numbersOnly(pText) into pText

    if char 1 of pText = "1" then
      put "" into fText
      mobileControlSet "phoneNumber","text",fText
      androidGoLastChar "phoneNumber",fText
      put fText into dataEntered["phone"]
      exit inputTextChanged
    end if

    if the number of chars in pText < 4 then
      put pText into fText
      mobileControlSet "phoneNumber","text",fText
      androidGoLastChar "phoneNumber",fText
      if (the number of chars in pText > 3) then
        put "(" & char 1 to 3 of pText & ")" into char 1 to 3 of fText
        put " " & char 4 to 6 of pText after fText
      end if
      if the number of chars in pText > 6 then
        put "-" & char 7 to 10 of pText after fText
      end if

      mobileControlSet "phoneNumber","text",fText
      androidGoLastChar "phoneNumber",fText
    end if
  end if
end inputTextChanged

function numbersOnly pNum
  //returns only the numbers in pNum
  put "" into fNum
  repeat for each char c in pNum
    if isNumber(c) then
      put c after fNum
    end if
  end repeat

  return fNum
end numbersOnly

on androidGoLastChar mControl,xText
  if ("Android" is in the platform) then
    mobileControlSet mControl,"selectedRange",(the number of chars in
  end if
end androidGoLastChar

Thank you!

Dan Friedman
CEO, ClearVision Technologies, LLC
Voice: 909/484-2052

From: use-livecode <use-livecode-boun...@lists.runrev.com> on behalf of
panagiotis merakos via use-livecode <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com>
Date: Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 9:45 AM
To: How to use LiveCode <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com>
Cc: panagiotis merakos <merak...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Cursor Placement in MobileControl Hello Dan,

I take it you are formatting the text in inputTextChanged?

Unfortunately yes, on Android calling

mobileControlSet "phoneNumber","text", pText

puts the cursor in the beginning of the text:


RE using the selectedRange with mobile native controls, I think this
property is supported only on multiline input fields. So I suppose you could
make the fields to be multiline and give it a try.

Kind regards,

On Tue, 5 Mar 2024 at 18:53, Dan Friedman via use-livecode <
use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:

> I am trying to create a field on mobile (iOS and Android) that will 
> format a phone number as your type (client request).  I am able to do 
> this on iOS as the command: mobileControlSet 
> "phoneNumber","text",pText puts the cursor AFTER the text so the user 
> can simply continue typing.  But, on Android, the cursor is placed at the
beginning of the text after the
> mobileControlSet command is called.   Is there a way to set the position
> the cursor on a native mobile text field?
> I did notice that the Android Native Field widget has a selectedRange 
> property.  Can I use this property on a native Android control?  And, 
> can I set the selectedRange to "16,15" to set the cursor location, not 
> select text?
> Why not just use the Android Native Field widget, you ask?   I will if I
> have to. but I prefer to use the native control as it is 
> cross-platform and I don't need to case out for which platform we're 
> on.  You would need to create the control and hide the widget for iOS 
> and show the widget for Android.  I'll also have to case out the 
> setting  and getting of the text as they have different methods.  I'll do
this if I have to, but I'd rather
> have a single code set and not have to manage/update separate methods.   I
> would use the standard LC field, but client wants the standard
> hold->popupMenu->paste command to work.
> Any thoughts or ideas?
> -Dan
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