That's great - digging into the scripts and html - really useful to see a
simple demo like this!

On Wed, 7 Feb 2024 at 19:45, Andreas Bergendal <>

> I’ve added a source code download link at the bottom of the page:
> The steps are rather simple:
> - Open the stack with LC10 and run the standalone builder with "Build for
> web" checked.
> - Replace the html file in the deployment folder (in this case
> ”WebpageInteractionStack.html”) with the index.html file included in the
> source code download.
> - Upload everything in the deployment folder (should be 7 files) to
> whatever server you use, and then go to that location with your web browser
> to launch the index.html file.
> The html file can of course be named whatever you like, but then you must
> include it in the url when accessing the site. By calling it index.html
> it suffices to include the parent level in the url (like I do above). But I
> guess y’all know this, I believe it's worked like that since the dawn of
> the internet… :)
> 5 feb. 2024 kl. 20:40 skrev David Bovill via use-livecode <
> Perfect - just what I was looking for. Can you share the stack, and the
> steps to saving / exporting the standalone?
> On Sat, 27 Jan 2024 at 17:50, Andreas Bergendal via use-livecode <
>> wrote:
> OK, so here’s a quick proof of concept, with functions triggered from page
> to stack and from stack to page.
> It is not using postMessage, only 'standard’ javascript listeners. Works
> well on mobile too (at least iPhone).
> If I find the time, it would be very interesting to try deploying two
> different stacks on the same page (is that even possible?), and then have
> them communicate with each other. Or have two stacks in two different
> pages, and have them communicate via postMessage calls…
> 26 jan. 2024 kl. 17:15 skrev David Bovill via use-livecode <
> The scenario would be events like resize, or a button click in the html
> page triggering a handler in the Livecode wasm export. The other way
> round
> would ve a Livecode handler in the exported wasm widget calling a
> javascriot function in the surrounding Web page.
> My understanding in other contexts is that you use the postMessage Web
> api
> for this type of thing -
> Apart from triggering handlers in both directions passing (json) data in
> both directions is needed.
> On Thu, 25 Jan 2024, 20:35 Andreas Bergendal via use-livecode, <
>> wrote:
> I’ve created some web deployments where the web page interacts with the
> stack e.g. in the sense that a change of the browser window rect
> triggers a
> resizeStack message in the stack.
> But I’m not sure if by bidirectional you mean that actions in the stack
> should also affect the web page in some way? Could you give an example
> of
> what you have in mind?
> 24 jan. 2024 kl. 12:47 skrev David Bovill via use-livecode <
> Is there a demo out there for simple bidirectional interaction between
> a
> web page and a recent stack exported as wasm? Anyone experimenting with
> this?
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