On 2024-02-10 21:16, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode wrote:
My desktopChanged handler, at one point, executes either a:

  set the effective width of window tWindow to tMontiorWidth
OR a
  set the effective height of window tWindow to tMonitorHeight

Either of which sends a resizeStack message to the stack/window. However, when it is sent this 2nd time as a result of the window maximization (which does a successful resizeStack, then desktopChanged, which sets teh effecting width/height, that causes a resizeStack) the resizeStack parameters, pNewWidth and pNewHeight are EMPTY, so any placement of controls based on the parameters use empty, which gets treated as zero.

As far as I can see, the engine only ever sends resizeStack with all parameters - so if your stack is getting a resizeStack with only two arguments - that's being sent from your code or a library you are using I think.

The work-around is the do Example 2 for resizeStack, but I think is might be considered an ENGINE BUG that on macOS, not Windows, maximization sends a resizeStack and then a desktopChanged message. No monitor has been added or removed, nor has the resolution of any monitor been changed, therefore I don't think a desktopChanged message SHOULD be sent on macOS window maximization. I think this is a bug?

Does anyone have a valid reason why macOS should receive a desktopChanged message on window maximization when Windows does not?

So the engine hooks into the notification from the OS for a change in screen parameters... The engine then checks the new ones against the old and sends desktopChanged if there are any differences.

In the case of maximization on macOS - using (what is now!) the fullscreen gadget on the titlebar of windows causes the OS furniture to ebb away - i.e. the *working* screenRect changes - and thus the engine sends the desktopChanged notification.*

(You can test this by creating a stack and 'answer the screenRect & return & the working screenRect' - click before and after the fullscreen gadget on the title bar, and there will be a difference.)

Warmest Regards,


P.S. The message is also sent when the dock is adjusted in size too - so presumably you would see the same problem then (assuming your handling of the desktopChanged message is causing the errant resizeStack with only two arguments to be sent from script somehow).

Mark Waddingham ~ m...@livecode.com ~ http://www.livecode.com/
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