I have a (reduced) example set of data in a variable "tCaseCodes" that
is tab delimited set of lines below:
1 I am making a high salary Text 2,319 Interview 1.txt
2 nontraditional field Text 2,319 Interview 1.txt
3 gets married and stays married Text 453,561 Interview 1.txt
4 wants kids Text 927,1009 Interview 1.txt
5 leaves work when kids born doesn't return Text 1012,1609
Interview 1.txt
6 takes major responsibility for family work Text
1012,1609 Interview 1.txt
I have a Regex pattern in the variable "tCodeToMatch" shown below:
^\d+\tnontraditional field\tText\t2,319\tInterview 1.txt$
I am executing the line of livecode script:
filter lines of tCaseCodes with regex tCodeToMatch into tDuplicates
The variable tDuplicates should then contain:
2 nontraditional field Text 2,319 Interview 1.txt
But is instead, empty.
Clearly, I must have made a Regex pattern mistake, but I am not seeing
it. It is ^(start of line) \d+(any number of digits) \t(tab)
nontraditional field \t(tab) Text \t(tab) 2,319 \t(tab) Interview
1.txt $(end of line)
I thought that the period in the file name (Interview 1.txt) may have
been an issue as period is a reserved regex character to match a single
character. However, I get the same empty result if I escape the period,
so it must be something else. I believe \d+ gets me an integer as the
number in this column could be several digits long.
A second set of regex eyes would be appreciated.
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