Good point. I always put data I intend to work on in a local variable anyway so 
it becomes easier to debug. As far as 1,000,000 iterations, I cannot imagine 
what anyone developing in Livecode who would want to do that inline with any 
other process. But then I failed 6th grade math, sooo….. there’s that.

Bob S


On Dec 15, 2023, at 7:00 AM, Mark Waddingham via use-livecode 
<> wrote:

Overall, my suggestion would be probably to do a combination of both - if you 
are only reading from a custom property in a given loop, but are doing so 
multiple times for the same property (and the loop actually has a very high 
number of iterations!) then fetch into a local variable before the loop and 
then use that value (the same, to be fair, is true of calling functions which 
return fixed values and accessing array elements - especially ones on paths 
longer than one).

Hope this helps,


Mark Waddingham ~<> ~

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