Hi all,

there is a way to export a Apple ID account including developer certificates 
and provisioning profiles at once using Xcode.
See here


> Am 14.10.2023 um 06:52 schrieb Mark Smith via use-livecode 
> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com>:
> Re: The problem was getting my Apple code signing certificates AND related 
> certificates on to the MacBook air from the Apple Developer site, something I 
> don't think Livecode can really help with.
> Paul, just so I understand this problem better. Is there a reason why you 
> can’t just download your certificates from the Apple Developer site to your 
> MacBook Air? Do they specifically restrict downloading to only certain 
> devices? 
> Mark
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 13, 2023, at 9:02 PM, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode 
>> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>> I'd love to see versions of Livecode stacks that assist with code signing 
>> and notarization for as many platforms as possible (I am aware of stacks for 
>> Windows and macOS) built into Livecode.
>> That said, for my two major problems (1 on macOS and 1 on Windows), I don't 
>> think there is anything Livecode could have done to help (other than 
>> lessons/documentation).
>> On Windows my current certificate - a .pfx format code signing cert - is 
>> expiring in November, so I renewed it. However, as of June 1 2023, the 
>> Windows code signing industry moved to requiring all code signing 
>> certificates to be issued on an encrypted USB token and you must use 
>> specialized software (that 3rd party can not hook into to prevent malware) 
>> to access those tokens to code sign.
>> On macOS, I needed to update code signing and NOTARIZATION to accommodate 
>> that Apple is switching to a new notary tool that only rns on new versions 
>> of macOS (I was using Mojave and atool) so I HAD (forced by Apple) for 
>> update to using the macBook Air I have that happened to have Sonoma on it 
>> and than meant Xcode 15 command line tools for the new Notary tool. atool 
>> stops being accepted by Apple some time in November so my old notarization 
>> steps will stop working. The change in notary tool was easy with Matthias's 
>> lessons and documentation on livecode.com. The problem was getting my Apple 
>> code signing certificates AND related certificates on to the MacBook air 
>> from the Apple Developer site, something I don't think Livecode can really 
>> help with.
>> Yes, others have had still other issues some of which improvements in 
>> Livecode might help address, but for the two I ran into that I turned to the 
>> list for help for, they were ultimately nothing that I think Livecode could 
>> help with.
>> Just my 2 cents on my 2 issues.
>>> On 10/13/2023 1:46 PM, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode wrote:
>>> We see it here in this list. We see it in the forums. We see it wherever 
>>> app deployment is discussed:
>>> OS requirements for packaging/stapling/signing apps are onerous.
>>> At the edge of, and sometimes exceeding, being prohibitively so.
>>> There's no point in making a standalone if you can't ship it.
>>> If pro devs with decades of experience struggle with this, newcomers will 
>>> run screaming.
>>> Pardon the all-caps. I rarely use them. But this is important.
>>> Simplifying deployment is more important than "AI".
>>> Simplifying deployment is more important than "nocode".
>>> It is the single biggest pain point.
>>> And so it is the single biggest opportunity.
>>> Fulfill the promise of "Everyone can code": focus on simplifying deployment.
>>> Step 1: Acquire Matthias' great tool.
>>> Step 2: Enhance it for current requirements across platforms.
>>> Step 3: Look for every opportunity to further simplify the process, and 
>>> take it, at least one more simplification with each new build.
>>> This is important. It really is.
>>> -- 
>>> And no, web export will not magically save things.  Even when that becomes 
>>> truly production-ready, it's only for web apps.  Not everything needs to be 
>>> a web app.
>>> There are a hundred ways to make web apps.
>>> There are few ways to make cross-platform native apps.
>>> And almost none that rival what LC can do on the desktop.
>>> Play into strengths.  Make native deployment the best it can be.
>>> When that's done, only then resume work on more peripheral features.
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