I have a clue. I changed the build destination to a drive on my Mac. That 
seemed to have gotten past that error and I ran into other errors.

I guess building expects a drive on my Mac. And my Mac returns a bogus error 

I suggest one of these as an improvement to the build operation:

*   Complain and advise when the target is on a network drive.
*   Build the standalone in a temporary location on the local drive and then 
copy to the network drive when the target is on a network drive.

I got past that error, but now I am running into others. They look familiar. I 
think the problem is that I’m not remembering the magic steps related to 
saving, purging and so on. I’m not sure, since I can build for Windows. (I can 
probably stumble through what I did long, long ago, but might figure it out 


*   I should not have to remember.

Thanks, everybody, for your help!


> On Aug 8, 2023, at 10:47 AM, Dar Scott via use-livecode 
> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> Oh, and I’m building from a network drive.
>> On Aug 8, 2023, at 10:41 AM, Dar Scott via use-livecode 
>> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>> xcode-select -p
>> /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
>>> On Aug 8, 2023, at 10:19 AM, Dar Scott via use-livecode 
>>> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>>> I removed all inclusions. I opted to remove all profiles, probably none. 
>>> There are no Copy Files. I’m building for Intel only. 
>>> For PLIST I chose Chose a PLIST and then clicked Use None.
>>> I set my bundle identifier and have not changed that among my attempts. I 
>>> left all of the other Version Information as default. 
>>> I have no Icons added.
>>> I get the same error.
>>> Dar
>>>> On Aug 8, 2023, at 10:08 AM, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode 
>>>> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>>>> Signing happens after the app is built and is a manual process, so yours 
>>>> isn't signed /notarized yet. But unsigned apps run on the development 
>>>> machine anyway, so I'd say you built the app successfully.
>>>> --
>>>> Jacqueline Landman Gay | jac...@hyperactivesw.com
>>>> HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
>>>> On August 8, 2023 10:47:34 AM Bob Sneidar via use-livecode 
>>>> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>>>>> I have, but I don’t do any signing or notarizing. If that happens 
>>>>> transparently, then it’s working for me.
>>>>> Bob S
>>>>>> On Aug 8, 2023, at 6:59 AM, Dar Scott via use-livecode 
>>>>>> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks, Jacque!
>>>>>> That gives me a clue. I will try to get more info on this.
>>>>>> However, that note shows how to delete the offending resource using the 
>>>>>> xattr tool, but I have no app to point it to. LiveCode did not build 
>>>>>> anything.
>>>>>> I’m willing to try some magic values in Standalone Application Settings.
>>>>>>  I’m using LiveCode 9.6.9, but I’m willing to upgrade.
>>>>>>  I’m on macOS Ventura.
>>>>>> Has anyone successfully built a Mac application recently?
>>>>>> Dar
>>>>>>> On Aug 7, 2023, at 3:43 PM, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode 
>>>>>>> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> This might help:
>>>>>>> <https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/qa/qa1940/_index.html>
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Jacqueline Landman Gay | jac...@hyperactivesw.com
>>>>>>> HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
>>>>>>> On August 7, 2023 12:49:03 PM Dar Scott via use-livecode 
>>>>>>> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I’m having trouble building an application for Mac Intel.
>>>>>>>> The first time LiveCode crashed.
>>>>>>>> Subsequent times, I get this error:
>>>>>>>> There was an error while saving the standalone application
>>>>>>>> Adding ad-hoc signature failed with error:
>>>>>>>> /…/myProgram.app:
>>>>>>>> Replacing existing signature
>>>>>>>> /…/myProgram.app:
>>>>>>>> Resource for, Finder information, or similar detritus not
>>>>>>>> Allowed
>>>>>>>> I tried fiddling with the PLIST settings without success.
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