No, not all are 2-digits. USA is one digit, many are 3 digits, none
are (yet) 4 digits.
A phone number would have a leading zero in many countries; usually
indicating it's a non-local number (kind of similar to the leading 1- in
long distance in the US, e.g. 1-800-555-1212). In the UK, numbers are,
for example, 01x1 ddd nnnn, but a local number will never begin with a 0.
On 09/09/2022 16:38, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:
I have a function called formatPhone() I can modify it to support international
notation and send it to you. Are all country codes 2 digits? And why would a
phone number have a leading 0?
Bob S
On Sep 9, 2022, at 03:00 , Klaus major-k via use-livecode
<> wrote:
Hi friends,
I have a very strange problem, but also found a workaround for it.
I first convert an 8 MB CSV file with 60000 lines to TAB delimited data, then I
parse the file
and just extract some columns from the 60000 lines to display in a field.
E.g. the column "number dialled", which contains phone number like
-> 447973100123
The CSV files are definitively correct but I found that in the resulting field
some of these numbers
appear in scientific notation
-> 4.47888E+11
This does not happen with phone numbers with a leading ZERO: like
-> 07557162491
So maybe this a small hint?
However I do not even touch these items I just use:
put item 9 of tLine into item 6 of tNewLine
## tLine is the line from the CSV and tNewLine is for the data in the display
My simple workaround, no idea why, but it obviously works:
put item 9 of tLine into ttt
put ttt into item 6 of tNewLine
This avoids the scientific notation, what the hell is going on here?
Any hints welcome.
Klaus Major
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