
For future reference the source is in the .lce file. The .lce is in zip format. 
Temporarily change the extension to .zip. You will see the lcb file in there. 
Also when you install it the source will be in the extension folder. But since 
I posted .lce I have put in comments starting with "RAD Change" to show where I 
have made changes. Here is the link to the updated 

Thanks for taking a look!

Also I found that after I updated the docs that the docs are generated from the 
lcb file. I re-built the widget and boom my doc changes were destroyed. No 
problem I just had redo the docs for my changes in the lcb file. So many 
unknowns. I am trying to find a way to resize it to the card width with a user 
setting for height percent of card width. But the docs are so scant and 
confusing I feel the giant headache coming on again.

Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services

-----Original Message-----
From: use-livecode [mailto:use-livecode-boun...@lists.runrev.com] On Behalf Of 
Mike Kerner via use-livecode
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2022 3:00 PM
To: How to use LiveCode
Cc: Mike Kerner
Subject: Re: NAVRAD was: lcb missing manual

got the source, somewhere? i'd like to learn from it.
testing to begin...now.

On Thu, Sep 1, 2022 at 1:32 PM Ralph DiMola via use-livecode < 
use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:

> I took a major stab at LCB and created a new widget based on the 
> navbar widget. I have made 2 changes to the navbar and call it navrad. 
> It does not modify the stock navbar. With almost no docs it was a 
> challenge. There were so many unknowns I got a few giant headaches. It 
> adds 4 new properties(iconFill,autoRADHilite,preHilitedItem, 
> preHilitedItemName) and 1 new message(preHiliteChanged). I updated the 
> documentation so the new properties and message show in the dictionary 
> with example(search for "navrad" or just "rad").
> One thing I ran into was that I had to call the "autohilite" property 
> autoRADHilite because using any existing property causes a confilict 
> that I could not get around without sufficient docs. It does show in 
> the property inspector as "auto hilite". These changes allow 
> 1)enlarge/center the icon if there is no label 2)intercept a selection 
> before it is hilited and make a choice to hilite and send the stock 
> hiliteChanged message (or not). Why no label? For one social media icons 
> don’t need labels. Why a pre message?
> Someone suggested it and I thought it was a great idea. Backwards 
> compatible with existing navbar LCS code. The was an auto sizing to 
> card width request. I will look to see if I can do it without more docs(or 
> help).
> If anyone would like to try it and find any bugs it's at ==>
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/51zm4m8dip49jov/com.livecode.widget.navrad.2
> .0.0.lce?dl=0
> Ralph DiMola
> IT Director
> Evergreen Information Services
> rdim...@evergreeninfo.net
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created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."
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