Arriving late to the conversation. I never put code into buttons other that 
enough to cover messages. These will only have enough code in them to pass on 
the rest of the message. Eg

on mouseUp pBtn
    btn_nameOfButtonMUp pBtn
end mouseUp

on mouseRelease
end mouseRelease

Then I’d have the main code in either the card or stack script. Cards and 
stacks are a lot harder to delete than an object. Too many times I’ve seen 
objects get deleted accidentally and loose a heap of code. 

For what it’s worth, my preference is for If/Then/Else rather than 
Switch/Case/Default. But sometimes it is better, not to mention faster. But 
even so, for something like an option button I would use

on menuPick pOption
    btn_btnNameMenuP pOption
end menuPick

Rather than put the switch code into the button. Rebuilding those few lines of 
code in a lost/deleted button is far easier than trying to remember all of the 
other operations it could have had in it. 

I hope you are all well, btw :)

Sean Cole
Pi Digital
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